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Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Value of Time

As I look at these pictures, I don 't know if I should be happy or sad...Happy thinking about the journey and time we have had, happy that we are not changing diapers in disgusting public bath rooms, happy that my arms are not shaking with exhaustion from carrying him across the parking lot...
Or is it sad that the baby face is gone, sad that the feet have gotten so big, sad that my arms only allow me to carry him to the edge of the parking lot...

Its amazing what can happen in 2 years. And amazing that he still likes Converse shoes!

1 comment:

the schilps said...

you are a great writer. isn't it crazy how time flies?!? it is in those moments of realization that you learn to cherish each of them. so fun to see your little man growing up.