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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

'Tis the Season

All I have to say is that Nerf must be doing some serious advertisement for this because my little man can pretty much recite the commercial. (and he doesn't even watch TV except for a couple hours on the weekends and usually it is commercial free TV!) So how he has memorized that he wants the 'N'Strike Long Shot Blaster with detachable scope' is beyond me...I didn't even know that 'detachable' was in his vocab.

My next question is...what 4.5 yr old needs a 3ft Nerf gun...and where is he going to be shooting it that he needs it to go 35ft!? I know where he is NOT going to be shooting...in my living room... or kitchen... or dinning room for that matter. It looks to me like even the kid in the advertisement needed help holding the gun up (notice the 'extra' hand?).

So now thanks to Nerf, I am running around desperately looking for one of these. The sad part is that I know Nerf did it on purpose, they advertise like crazy one item (even though they have tons of other items), they under produce it, then us dumb parents run around like idiots trying to find it, the price gets jacked up, and half the kids end up disappointed because they didn't get it.

So Santa, if you are reading this, I hope its not too late to put in a request, but could you please make one more of these 'Long Shot Blasters' for my Little Man and leave it under our tree on Christmas Eve...I promise to leave out extra homemade cookies...

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