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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Little Man graduated from Pre-K...I can hardly believe it. And of course they had to put them in a cap and gown. I think the evil plan was to get the mom's to envision their child graduating from High School and get all choked up....and it worked of course. He has a 2008 tassel that he can hang from his bike handle bars...he is officially 5 going on 18. Standing at 46 in tall, he reminds me daily of how big he is. Just this morning, he was sitting on the stairs next to me telling me, ' Look how big I am Mom, my head goes up to your chinny-chin-chin!' Oh, how quickly it goes.

1 comment:

Crystal Salinas-Valdez said...

It is amazing how fast they grow, isnt it? I look at the boys everyday and think where did the time go...I remember when they were babies and I swaddled them thinking I cant wait for them to grow and now I just wish they were babies again!! CONGRATS William..love you!!