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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gone Fishing...

Little Man and Vim have taken up a new hobby a couple nights a week. We have a neighborhood pond almost directly across from our house that they love to go over to for about 30-45 mins each night and catch fish. They use hot dogs, biscuits, bread, etc. as bait. Now we fish quite a bit down at our river house and little man had caught fish before but always with some assistance. But the other night little man caught his first fish all by himself, no assistance needed! He casted, hooked, and reeled in his own fish! Vim was sure to explain to little man that if you hold the fish way out it looks bigger in the picture! (it actually was a pretty good size catfish)

He said this was a 'Daddy Catfish'

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I am still a litte suspect of the catching fish at the river house comment. No one ever seems to catch fish when I am there. Come to the farm if you want to catch some fish!