Anyway, the baby is perfectly healthy. We went in for our Anatomy check up, where the measure all the body parts. They couldn't get him to move to check out his belly, all he wanted to do was show off his male parts...(he sounds like some other males I know). Everything else (but his belly) looked perfect. He is about 1lb and very active right now. Here is a profile picture, it confirms that he will not have much of a chin...but I don't think he stood much of a chance in the 'chin department' since Vim and I probably have one whole chin between the two of us.

Finally, I am looking for some input. A lot has changed in 5yrs and we are in need of a travel system and other baby gear. The problem is that there are so many to choose from! SO I figured who would know best about strollers, infant car seats and baby gear then those mom's who have used them recently! So, if you have any hands on experiance with the baby gear, let me know what worked for you, what you found most safe and helpful. Because I have no idea. Email me or leave me a comment PLEASE!!