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Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Time Part 3

More of Christmas Morning...Now that I have the rest of our pictures off of my husband's camera I can finish the Christmas posts. Bare with me, I have at least 2 more posts to do. Can you tell we spread Christmas out over 2 weeks?

I am not sure why, but Vimmer loves eating paper. He would (and has) shreaded a wipe and chewed on it when we have let him. So when it came to wrapping paper, he had no problem testing it out too! What can I say? He loves to eat...it doesn't matter what he is eating, just so long as he is doing it.

Once again... he loves to eat. He found the box of Cheerios and was trying desperatly to get into them.

Within the last month or so he has become a big daddy's boy. He loves to be with Daddy. It is so sweet to see how excited he is when he sees his daddy coming. He is trying to help his Daddy set up the new Wii.

William and Pops playing golf (of course--Pop's favorite game). I think they played for 3 hours that morning. Not something we are going to make a habit of but it was Christmas morning!

And all went well, except for one minor inncident. We went to Vim's cousin's house for a party Christmas night and Vimmer was bit by thier little dog! Mama bear was not happy--- but I must say I handled it much better then most would. Thank God it didn't get his eye and it was just a minor scratch.

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